

1. Good morning. Good morning! 早上好!早上好!
2. Good afternoon. Good afternoon! 下午好!下午好!
3. How old are you? I am (two). 你幾歲了?我(二)歲。
4. What is your name? My name is (Lianlian)
你叫什麼名字? 我叫(連連)。
5. See you tomorrow. See you tomorrow.
明天見? 明天見。
6. Are you OK? Yes, I am OK. 你還好嗎? 我挺好的。
7. Hi, how are you? I am fine, thank you.
嘿,你好嗎? 我很好,謝謝。
8. Excuse me! 打擾一下!
9. Bye-bye mum / daddy. 再見媽媽 / 爸爸。
10. Good-bye 再見。
11. Excuse me, what is your name?
12. See you next week. 下周見。

1. You are beautiful! 你真漂亮!
2. You are clever! 你真聰明!
3. You are good! 你真棒!
4. Great! / Good! / OK! 好。
5. Very nice! 非常好!
6. Happy New Year! 新年快樂!
7. Happy birthday! 生日快樂!
8. Merry Christmas! 聖誕快樂!
9. Thank you very much! 非常感謝你!
10. Wonderful! 太棒了!
11. I am the winner! 我是勝利者!
12. I am the first! 我是第一名!
13. You are beautiful! 你真漂亮!
14. You are welcome! 歡迎你!
15. How beautiful! 多美呀!
16. How funny! 多有趣呀!
17. Wow! It’s so nice! 哇!它太好了。
18. It’s a nice day! 這是一個很好的一天!
19. Oh, my god / goodness! 哦,我的上帝!
20. Wow! It’s so nice / lovely!
哇!它太棒了 / 太可愛了!
21. Nice girl / boy. 好女孩 / 男孩。
22. You are so sweet. 你是非常可愛的。
23. You look very smart. 你看起來非常聰明。
24. I wish you a Merry Christmas!我祝你聖誕快樂!
25. I wish you a Happy New Year!我祝你新年快樂!
26. Miss Li, you are very beautiful! 李老師你真漂亮!
27. I love you! 我愛你!

1. I am sorry. 對不起。
2. Never mind. 沒關係。

1. Are you thirsty? Yes, I am. / No, I am not. 你渴嗎?是的,我渴。 / 不,我不渴。
2. I like fish / beef / lamb. 我喜歡魚肉 / 牛肉 / 羊肉。
3. That is delicious apple / banana / orange.
美味的蘋果 / 香蕉 / 橙子。
4. Have some water / tea / milk. 喝一些水 / 茶 / 牛奶。
5. Help yourself. 別客氣。
6. What’s for lunch / breakfast / supper?
中午 / 早晨 / 晚上吃什麼?
7. Brush your teeth. 刷牙。
8. Wash your face. 洗臉。
9. Show me your nose / hands / head.
給我看看你的鼻子/ 手 / 頭。
10. I am hungry. 我餓了。
11. I am full. 我吃飽了。
12. Have an apple. 吃一個蘋果。
13. I have done my hands. 我洗過手了。
14. I'm the helper. 我是值日生。
15. I want more rice / vegetable. 我還要米飯 / 菜。
16. I spilled my soup. 我把湯撒了。
17. There is no tissue paper. 沒有餐巾紙了。
18. I want to go to the toilet. 我想上廁所。
19. Can I go to toilet? 我能上廁所嗎?
20. What kind of juice? 什麼果汁?
21. I like orange-juice. 我喜歡桔子汁。

1. Are you tired? Yes, I am tired. / No, I am not.
你累了嗎?是的,我累了。/ 不,我不累。
2. Be quite. 安靜。
3. Let’s go to sleep. / Let’s go to bed. 讓我們去睡覺。
4. Get up. 起來。
5. Wake up. 叫醒。
6. Here you are. 給你。
7. Let’s start / begin. 讓我們開始。
8. Hand in hand. 手拉手。
9. Wave your fingers. 擺動你的手指。
10. Touch your stomach. 摸摸你的肚子。
11. What’s wrong with you? It’s nothing.
你怎麼了? 沒事。
12. Where are you going? 你去哪裡?
13. You are fat. 你很胖。
14. You are slow. 你太慢了。
15. You are fast.你很快。
16. Don’t talk. 不要說話。
17. Come here. / Come on. 過來。
18. Go to there. 去那邊。
19. Listen to me. 聽我說。
20. Follow me. 跟著我。
21. Put on your coat. 穿上你的外套。
22. Wait for me. 等等我。
23. I am here. 我在這裡。
24. I don’t know. 我不知道。
25. Close your eyes / mouth.
閉上你的眼睛。/ 合上你的嘴巴。
26. Open your eyes / mouth.
睜開你的眼睛。/ 張開你的嘴巴。
27. Close the door. 關門。
28. Open the door. 開門。
29. Return to your seat. 回去你的座位上。
30. Be careful. 小心。
31. Hurry up. 快點。
32. Look at me. 看著我。
33. Let me try. 讓我來試試。
34. Let’s watch TV. 讓我們來看電視。
35. Hand up. 舉手。
36. Look, look. 看,看。
37. Help! Help! 救命!救命!
38. Don’t worry. 別擔心。
39. What time is it? 幾點了?
40. Where are you? 你在哪裡?
41. Relax. 休息。
42. Come down. 冷靜。
43. Easy! 放鬆!
44. Watch out! 當心。
45. Keep quite. 保持安靜。
46. What are you doing? 你在做什麼?
47. Wait a while. 等一會兒。
48. it’s warm here. 這裡很暖。
49. Let’s play together. 讓我們一起玩。
50. Let’s dance. 讓我們跳舞。
51. Go ahead. 繼續。
52. Sing a song. 唱支歌。
53. Come on guys. 男孩們過來。
54. What’s that? 那是什麼?
55. Really? 真的?
56. Hang on for a while. 稍微等一會兒。
57. Enjoy yourself. 自娛自樂。/多吃些。
58. Danger! Keep off! 危險!小心!
59. Don’t be afraid, it’s safe. 別害怕,它是安全的。
60. I am busy now, see you later.
61. What shall we draw today? 我們今天畫什麼。
62. I have no paper. 我沒有紙。
63. I finished. 我做完了。
64. I can’t see. 我看不見。
65. I can’t write my name. 我不會寫我的名字。
66. I like toys. 我喜歡玩玩具。
67. He’s hitting me! 他打我!
68. He takes my toy / book. 他搶我的玩具 / 書。
69. Excuse me. Can you do my shoes?
70. I want to play with Jim. 我想和Jim玩。
71. Let’s play home game / house. 我們玩娃娃家吧。
72. Do I need keep the toys? 要收玩具嗎?
73. I want to go to playground. 我想玩大型玩具。
74. We want to play hide and seek. 我們想玩捉迷藏。
75. Don’t push me. 別推我。
76. Teacher, he pushes me. 老師,他推我。
77. Show me. 給我看。
1. At ease! Attention! 稍息!/ 立正!
2. Stop running! 別跑。
3. Let’s go. 讓我們走。
4. OK,Stop! 好了,停!
5. Go straight ahead, turn left / right.
一直走,左轉 / 右轉。
1. Check it out. 檢查完善。
2. I miss my Mummy. 我想我媽媽。
3. I don’t feel very well. 我不舒服。
4. I was sick yesterday. 我昨天病了。
5. I'm better today. 我今天好了。
6. I have a cough. 我咳嗽。
7. I got headache. 我頭疼。
8. I got cold. 我發燒了。
9. My teeth got a pain. 我牙疼。
1. What time is it? It is (five o』clock).
2. What is this? This is a (table)
這是什麼? 這是一張桌子。
3. Sure, no problem. 當然,沒問題。
4. I bring my VCD. 我帶碟了
5. Pick up me early. 早點接我
6. Is it your book / chair / table?
它是你的書 / 椅子 / 桌子嗎?
7. Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. 是的,它是。 / 不,它不是。
8. I am happy / angry / sad. 我高興 / 生氣 / 沮喪。
9. I am cold / hot / warm. 我覺得冷 / 熱 / 暖和。
10. May I come in? Come in please.
我能進來嗎? 請進。
11. It’s cold / hot. 天氣冷 / 熱。
12. Where is my book? It’s here.
13. Who is that? It is me. 是誰呀?是我。
14. I can sing / dance / fly / jump.
我會唱歌 / 跳舞 / 飛 / 蹦。
15. My dear mother / father. 我親愛的媽媽 / 爸爸。
16. I have a book / bird / dog.
我有一本書 / 一隻鳥 / 一隻狗。
17. Is this a flower / cat / cow?
這是一枝花嗎?/ 一隻貓嗎? / 一隻牛嗎?
18. I am tall. 我長得高。
19. I am short. 我長得矮。
20. I am cool. 我很酷。
21. It’s a sunny / cloudy day! 是個晴天 / 陰天。
22. It’s raining. 下雨了。
23. Where is the restaurant? 餐廳在哪裡?
24. How far is the bank / hospital?
銀行 / 醫院離這裡有多遠?
25. What a mess! 太亂了!
26. Hello, can I talk with Mr. Smith please?
27. I need some money to buy a car.


1 Let’s get ready for class. 準備上課。
2 I'm sorry I'm late. /Excuse me for coming late. 對不起,我遲到。
3 Please come earlier next time. 下次請早點到。
4 Class begins. 上課。
5 Who’s on duty today? 今天誰值日?
6 Is everyone here? 都到齊了嗎?
7 Who’s absent today? 今天誰沒來?
8 What day is today? 今天是星期幾?
9 What’s the date today? 今天是幾號?
10 Tom, have you collected all the exercise-books? 湯姆,作業本都收齊了嗎?
11 Here are your exercise-books. Please hand them out. 這是練習本,請發下去。
12 Monitor, would you please fetch some chalk for me? 班長,能幫我去拿些粉筆來嗎?
13 Open your books, please. 請翻開書。
14 please turn to Page 12. 請翻開書到12頁。

15 Please take out your notebooks/exercise books. 請拿出筆記本/練習本。
16 No more talking, please. 請安靜。
17 Attention, please. 請注意。
18 Let’s have a dictation. 讓我們來聽寫。
19 We’re going to have a new lesson today. 今天我們要上新課。
20 First let’s have a revision. 首先我們複習一下。
21 Who can answer this question? 誰能回答這個問題?
22 Do you have any questions? 你們有問題嗎?
24 Let me see. 讓我看看/想想。
25 Put up your hands if you have any questions. 如果有問題請舉手。
26 Raise your hands, please. 請舉手。
27 Hands down. 把手放下。
28 Repeat after me/Follow me. 跟我讀。
29 Listen to me, please. 請聽我說。
30 Look at the blackboard/screen, please. 請看黑板/螢幕。

31 All eyes on me, please. 請都看著我。
32 Can you solve this problem? 能做出這道題嗎?
33 Let’s read it together. Ready, go! 大家齊聲朗讀,預備,起。
34 Read slowly and clearly. 讀慢一點,清楚一點。
35 Who wants to try? 誰想試一試?
36 Who wants to do it on the blackboard? 誰願意到黑板上來做?
37 Are you through? 做完了嗎?
38 Have you finished? 做完了嗎?
39 You did a very good job. 做得不錯。
40 Very good./Good try./ Well done! 完成得不錯。
41 Terrific!/ Wonderful! / Excellent! 很棒!
42 Please give him (her) a big hand. 請給他/她一些掌聲。
43 Can you follow me? 能跟上嗎?
44 Do you understand? 你聽懂了嗎?
45 Don’t be nervous. 不要緊張。
46 Any one can help him/ her? 誰來幫他/她一下?
47 Any volunteers? 誰自願回答?

48 I beg your pardon? 對不起,能再說一遍嗎?
49 Take it easy. 請放心/別緊張。
50 Be brave / active, please. 請勇敢/主動些。
51 Who wants to try? 誰來試試?
52 Come up to the front, please. 請到前面來。
53 Go back to your seat, please. 請回座位。
54 Come on. You can do it. 來吧!你能做到的。
55 Come on, you’re almost there. 來吧!你快(做/答)對了。
56 I’ll give you a clue (hint). 我給你一些提示。
57 You can do it this way. 你可以這樣來做。
58 Let’s play a game. 讓我們玩個遊戲。
59 Are you tired? Let’s take a break. 累了嗎?休息一下。
60 Look up the word in the dictionary. 在字典裡查這個詞。
61 Take notes, please. 請作筆記。
62 Are you clear ? 明白了嗎?
63 Is that right /correct? 那個正確嗎?
64 Can you find the mistakes? 你能找出錯誤嗎?
65 Do you know how to correct the mistakes? 你知道怎麼改錯嗎?
66 Are you ready? 準備好了嗎?
67 Can you guess it? 能猜猜嗎?
68 Yes. You’re right. 對,你對了。
69 I'm sorry. Can you say that again? 對不起,能再說一遍嗎?
70 Take your time. 慢慢來。
71 Use your head. 動動腦筋。
72 Good idea! That makes sense. 好主意。有道理。
73 Whose turn is it? 輪到誰了?
74 Now you’re going to read one by one. 現在你們依次朗讀。
75 Who’s next? 接下來是誰?
76 You’re next. 接下來是你。
77 It’s your turn. 輪到你了。
78 Just hands. No voices. 不要說,請舉手。
79 Do it on your own. 自己做。
80 From the very beginning. 從頭開始。
81 Please read it to the end. 請讀到結尾。
82 Stop here, please. 請停下來。
83 Hands up before you answer. 回答問題前,請舉手。
84 Here’s your homework for today. 這是今天

85 Hand in your homework tomorrow. 家庭作業明天交。
86 Please pass the exercise books to the front. 請將練習本遞到前面來。
87 Who wants to come to the front? 誰願意到前面來?
88 Come to my office after class. 下課後到辦公室找我。
89 Come and see me after class. 課後找我。
90 Watch me and I'll show you. 看著我,我來演示。
91 I want all of you to answer this question. 我請大家一齊來回答這個問題。
92 That’s all for the new lesson/ revision. 新課/複習就到這兒。
93 I want you to work in pairs/groups. 請大家做對子/小組練習。
94 I'm sorry to have kept you so long. 對不起耽擱大家了。
95 That’s all for today. 今天就到這
96 We stop here for today. 今天就到這。
97 Let’s call it a day. 今天就到這。
98 Don’t copy others』 work. 不要抄別人的作業。
99 Class is over. Thank you, class. 下課。謝謝!
100 Good-bye./ See you tomorrow. 再見/明天見